The Walking Dead: 6 Things "What Happened And What's Going On" Got Right (And 4 It Didn't)

5. Remembering Terminus

That said, it's nice that all they're been through so far hasn't been totally forgotten. Terminus was a close call, but it was also a scenario where they were all almost eaten by living human beings who €“ presumably €“ had most of their wits about them, which isn't an incident that's going to pass without leaving some sort of psychic scars. Glenn bringing them up was a nice touch. As was his talking about the prison. Ultimately, reminding the audience of all of this was a chance to reinforce that the real adversary the show's stars are facing aren't the hordes of flesh-eating zombies, but their fellow human beings. That's what they've got to look out for, really. But adding on that they're still spoiling from the fallout of both those events is neat. Especially since, in their haste to get going, this episode barely even touches upon Beth's death in the last episode. You get the recap at the start, a couple of mentions of her during conversation, and Maggie having a bit of a cry €“ that's it. Well, besides some cameos later on. Also: bringing up Terminus is a further hint they might not be totally gone...

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at