The Walking Dead: 7 Characters That Need To Die In Season 5

1. Rick

It may seem blasphemous to suggest that the main character of a popular TV show should be offed before the series finale, but if Game of Thrones has taught us anything, it€™s that if the show is popular enough, it will survive on its own, regardless of who gets the top billing. The Walking Dead is one of those shows. People aren€™t watching in droves because of Rick Grimes. They€™re watching because people are killing zombies. It doesn€™t really matter who is doing the killing. As a character, Rick Grimes has been put through the wringer. From learning that his wife had a relationship with his best friend (and may be carrying his child), to killing said best friend, to turning the group into a €œRick-tatorship,€ to learning that his wife was dead, to hearing imaginary telephone calls, to giving up his Ricktator role, it€™s time for the character to get the Old Yeller treatment. Rick isn€™t even the most popular character on the show. There are no €œIf Rick Dies We Riot€ t-shirts for sale. The show can carry on with Daryl taking over the leadership role, zombies will still be slaughtered by the hundreds, and fans won€™t miss Rick. You can€™t have The Sopranos without Tony. You can€™t have Breaking Bad without Walter White. You can€™t have Mad Men without Don Draper. But you can certainly have The Walking Dead without Rick Grimes. Be sure to follow me on Twitter @PocketSeagull!

Justin has been writing about professional wrestling for more than 15 years. A lifelong WWE fan, he also is a big fan of Ring of Honor.