The Walking Dead: 7 Greatest Deaths So Far

4. Amy (Emma Bell) - Episode 1.4

url-7 In horror fiction, it is usually something of a given that young female characters are around for the long haul. In a subversion of this trope, the show kills off such a character, Emma Bell's Amy, after just four episodes, despite her having received much more in the way of character development than others who perished around the same time. The younger sister of Andrea (Laurie Holden), Amy had a troubled relationship with her sibling before the apocalypse, caused predominantly by their twelve year age gap and the diminishing number of occasions on which she had been able to see her elder sister (and role model) since her departure from home to become a lawyer. The two have been brought together by the apocalypse, however, only to be torn apart permanently when an undead horde attacks the survivor's camp, biting Amy, amongst other characters, before being driven off by Rick, Daryl, T-Dog and others returning from a trip to Atlanta. In an emotional scene, Andrea refuses to abandon Amy's now lifeless body, staying with her until she reanimates, at which point it seems that she too will be bitten, only to tearfully put a bullet into her sister's head, ending her suffering.

Alex was about to write a short biography, but he got distracted by something shiny instead.