The Walking Dead: 7 Greatest Deaths So Far

3. Lori (Sarah Wayne Callies) - Episode 3.4


During the second season of the show, Rick's wife, Lori, becomes pregnant, though it remains unclear whether the baby is Rick's or Shane's, as the latter indulged in an affair with her, in the belief that Rick was dead, before Rick's arrival at the original survivor's camp.

Though initially unwilling to bring a baby into such a desolate world, she neglects to abort it, though she begins to worry as her due date draws nearer, fearing that a stillborn could kill her after it turns, or that she may kill the baby if she dies during the birthing process. A walker attack separates Lori from Hershel, who would've been able to deliver the baby, leaving her in the company of her son Carl, Glenn and Hershel's daughter Maggie, none of whom are qualified at any form of midwifery. Nevertheless, Maggie delivers the baby via a caesarian section, which results in the birth of an ordinary child, at the cost of it's mothers life. Carl, having grown increasingly cold and battle-hardened through exposure to the apocalyptic world, is then forced to take action to prevent Lori's reanimation, tragically electing to be the one to put a bullet in his now-deceased mother's head.

Alex was about to write a short biography, but he got distracted by something shiny instead.