The Walking Dead: 7 Things "The Distance" Got Right (And 3 It Didn't)

2. Shut That Baby Up

It seems a bit late in the day to expect audiences to care about Judith Grimes. Rick's son has gotten less irritatingly precocious and more like an actual character as he's grown up, but his daughter €“ or supposed daughter, since the Shane/Lori paternity test is unlikely to be carried out when said parties are long since dead €“ has been barely involved since her rather dramatic introduction to the world. As Rick has stepped away from the limelight for the most part in this season, so too has his baby daughter. In fact you could be forgiven for totally forgetting about her existence for most of the fifth season, so few and far between were her appearances. All of a sudden she's back, though, and apparently important. Or at least, Rick seems to actually be giving Judith some attention for once, carting her around for the majority of €œThe Distance€ and playing a key part in the elder Grimes deciding that Aaron was somewhat trustworthy. Mostly, though, she just wailed a lot and was super annoying.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at