The Walking Dead: 7 Things "Them" Got Right (And 3 It Didn't)

2. Wait So Are Zombies Cause For Concern Or Not

Something else the makers of The Walking Dead have been struggling to keep consistent is what exactly the part is of the zombies. €œThem€ finally saw Rick dropping the groaningly obvious revelation he stumbled across in the comics years ago, and which everybody with half a brain has realised ages ago: The Walking Dead of the title actually refers to the very much alive characters, who are just sorta killing time until they pass on. But what about, y'know, the actual walking dead? The ones trying to eat people, who can't be killed by conventional means (unless you count stabbing someone in the head €œconventional means€)? In the first half of the episode they're the usual ineffective nuisances, Maggie allowing one to get super close before easily dispatching it at the start. Then towards the end of the episode, when the gang are holed up in that barn thing, there's a storm and suddenly a heck of a lot of walkers are trying to bang down the doors and feast on their insides., are the zombies actual threats, or are they just a catalyst for all the actual problems? Make your mind up, guys.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at