The Walking Dead Season 5: 7 Things To Expect

2. The Truth About Terminus

Sanctuary for all. Community for all. That was the mantra that haunted the survivors on their road to Terminus. It seemed perfect. But like everything in the Walking Dead, if it looks too good to be true, it probably is. Fans had a field day speculating about what Terminus was. Is it the Hunters? The Saviors? Some even believed it may have been the real deal. But the arrival at Terminus in the season finale ultimately spelled out more questions than answers. And though there are clues that Terminus could either be related to, or directly are, the Hunters, I don't know how simple it truly is. In fact, one could argue that the Terminus folk are also somewhat similar to the St. John's Dairy Farm group from the Telltale Games series. While it's unlikely that is true, what it does say is that Gimple has created a very interesting and compelling set of characters. Unraveling the truth behind the villainous Gareth (Andrew J. West) and the plainly creepy Mary (Denise Crosby) should be fascinating to see. Just what the heck is she cooking on that barbecue, anyway?! But in the long run, the truth about Terminus all leads back to one seemingly concrete theory about a certain group of cannibals and who they might be related to...

Writer, game developer, intersectional feminist.