The Walking Dead: 8 Reasons The Season 7 Premiere Was A Failure

1. An Empty Conclusion

The Walking Dead Negan

Ultimately the biggest failing of the series premiere was how hollow it all felt. The overabundance of gore and deaths and flashbacks and Carl back-chat with no real story progression made for a meandering trial in audience tolerance.

Instead of an episode depicting the sad and untimely death of two staple characters, the premiere was instead a husk, highlighting all the issues the show has ever had. An experience difficult not to critique and impossible to just enjoy, the series premiere failed to make the deaths meaningful by not only putting them both together but by surrounding them with drawn out superfluousness.

Yes, Rick needed to be put through something harrowing to break down and submit but often less is definitely more, and the premiere needed much, much less. Instead of drama we were given shock and one is much easier to create than the other. Instead of imaginative storytelling, The Walking Dead went for the easy option.

If this is the kind of entertainment that the show promises moving forward then the show has finally gone the way of Abraham's head; a bloody mess.

What did you think of the Season 7 premiere? Share your thoughts down in the comments.


Film Fanatic. Movie Maniac. Cockney Critic. Asserting his opinion wherever he goes, whether it is warranted or not.