The Walking Dead: 8 Things "Remember" Got Right (And 2 It Didn't)

The Bad...

2. Carl Grimes In Love

Overall €œRemember€ was an incredibly strong episode of The Walking Dead. In fact it's up there with the best, and is easily the stand-out instalment of this fifth season. The performances were uniformly brilliant, the writing is reaching new heights in terms of plotting and character work, and the crummy special effects of last week were forgotten in favour of some truly squirmy-inducing skin tearing. It wasn't 100% perfect though. Nothing is. That would be impossible and if you're holding The Walking Dead €“ or anything else for that matter €“ up to the standard, then you're going to be disappointed. Still, it's a shame in an otherwise fantastic episode that Carl got his worst B-story since the roof pudding incident. Whilst his presence in his dad's actions (practising his zombie killing, remembering his dead wife) were strong, the burgeoning tween romance between Carl and Enid €“ another young survivor in the Safe-Zone €“ were somewhat trite. And really, is it time to be going after The Fault In Our Stars dollar at this point?

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at