The Walking Dead: Every Season 5 Episode Ranked Worst To Best

13. Forget

The Walking Dead Conquer

Much of the season's second half is centred on Alexandria, and Rick's struggles to deal with their new neighbour's inexperience with the outside world. In Forget, the Survivors grapple with their trust issues, and slowly integrate into their new home.

Primarily, Forget focusses on Rick's issues with the community's leadership; Sasha's grief over her recent losses; and Daryl's new role as Alexandria's recruiter, a role he's given by Aaron in hopes of saving people in the outside world.

Rick's development is much of the same and he actually comes across more annoying than anything else, whilst Sasha's arc in particular drags like a car with four flat tires throughout the filler episode's lack of stakes.

The only upside comes from Daryl and Aaron's unlikely bond, which develops both characters pretty well and sets up an impromptu scavenger mission that's destined to end horribly down the line.


I get to write about what I love, so that's pretty cool. Every great film should seem new every time you see it. Be excellent to each other.