The Walking Dead Mid-Season Premiere: 2 Ups & 4 Downs From ‘Adaptation’


4. Plot Conveniences

The Walking Dead Judith

The Walking Dead is no stranger to the odd plot convenience, but some of the liberties taken in Adaptation are simply too big to ignore.

The biggest issues surround Negan's escape from - and subsequent return to - Alexandria. The former big bad of the show manages to take a full tour of the settlement before anyone even notices he's missing. However, before he escapes, it's young Judith who apprehends him... with a gun. The concern as to how she got hold of a firearm is quickly overshadowed by the unbelievability of what follows.

The most glaring convenience arises when Judith later appears on the road in front of Negan's motorcycle - when he's on his way back to Alexandria. Firstly, how on earth did the young girl get out of Alexandria? Wasn't she being watched by anyone? Wouldn't an escape attempt have been noticed?

Then there's the question of how on earth could she have known the exact moment that Negan would appear on the road? How long was she waiting there for him? If it had been long, surely someone from Alexandria would've been sent looking for her? None of it made any sense.


Stephen Patterson is an experienced writer and reviewer. He's also a TV addict.