The Walking Dead: Predicting The Casualties Of The Season 10 Finale

7. Magna

The Walking Dead Ezekiel

Though Magna (Nadie Hilker) has just returned from being trapped by the cave-in in the mid-season premiere, that doesn't mean that she's safe from the coming conflict.

In fact, many aspects of her story seem to be pointing toward tragedy, as she's amended her relationship with Yumiko and integrated herself back with the group. But with Yumiko gone alongside Eugene, Ezekiel and new character Princess, it could be that Magna finds herself a casualty of the fight just as everything seems to be going back to normal in her personal life.

This is The Walking Dead, after all, and killing characters just as they're brushing themselves off or getting their lives on track has worked wonders in the past.

If she was to bite the dust, it would create a great gap in the rest of the group, and aid in giving Yumiko an interesting arc for the next season.


i get to write about what i love, which is cool. be good to each other