The Walking Dead: Ranking Characters By How Well They'd Do In Game Of Thrones

7. Carl

Strengths and Weakness: It's weird to describe killing your own mother as an act of strength but that's exactly the sort of hard-headed, cold-hearted thing that will put you in good stead for the Game Of Thrones universe. Aside from his apparent distaste for maternal love, Carl possesses a number of other desirable traits. He's a capable fighter, has a bunch of people that want to protect him and isn't weighed down by sentimentality - he killed his own mother for God's sake! What would happen? Young age doesn't necessarily guarantee survival in Game of Thrones, and the show makers have little problem killing of kids when necessary - not dissimilar to The Walking Dead actually - but if he can get a few people to protect him or cobble a revenge quest together he'll do alright for a bit. One problem is that Carl does have some slightly sadistic tendencies, if his killing of that innocent boy when the prison was attacked is anything to go by. Characters like that tend to have a limited shelf life in Game of Thrones.

Adam Thompson hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.