The Walking Dead: Ranking Characters By How Well They'd Do In Game Of Thrones

8. Daryl

Strengths and Weaknesses: A character like Daryl has a lot to offer: good in a fight, loyal, no slouch in terms of intelligence and a strong ability to tell the difference between good and bad. When Rick needs him, Daryl comes running, and his killing his own brother once he became a walker shows he isn't going to let brotherly love get in the way of his own survival - providing his brother is kind of dead anyway. What would happen? Unfortunately his loyalty to Rick is what lets him down. The second you pin your colours to the mast is usually a death-knell in Game Of Thrones, and while Daryl isn't a total dogsbody, he's a little too dedicated to his pal Rick to have a serious chance of making it to the very end of the show. Of course, it's not impossible to be loyal in Game of Thrones, it's just not necessarily a virtue in the George R.R. Martin universe. You get the feeling loyalty is a trait that will get a character killed sooner or later. Daryl wouldn't be the first to go in Game Of Thrones but it's unlikely he'd last the distance, even if he is a total bad-ass.

Adam Thompson hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.