The Walking Dead Season 11 Review - 7 Ups & 1 Down From "Outpost 22"
Who knew a train robbery in a zombie-invested world could be so much fun?

Everyone may be split apart and face some massive and unmoveable obstacles in this week's episode, but Outpost 22 delivers some great action sequences as well as unexpected tender moments that the survivors share with their enemies, be it a soldier from the Commonwealth Army or the living dead.
Moving away from focusing on one or two key characters, a majority of the cast get their fair share of screen time that not just tests them as capable fighters, but as good people too as they face unprecedented dangers and unexpected outcomes from Lance's involvement before his demise in last week's episode. Reuniting with some of their friends, Daryl and Carol execute their plan to exact a heist and take control of a train that leads to some of season eleven's greatest action scenes to date.
But as Daryl and co. attempt one of the most ambitious action sequences ever filmed for The Walking Dead, there is a lot of dramatic tension between Ezekiel, Kelly, and Negan as they learn about their fate and the large stakes piled high against them. They may not have as many high-octane performances, though they deliver some heart-to-heart moments that equally stand out, resulting in one of the best episodes from the third part of season eleven so far.
8. Down - Rosita Doesn't See The Walkers

Since her introduction in the fourth season, Rosita has always stood out as one of the most capable fighters in the entire series. Whether it's being able to dispatch multiple Walkers at once or taking a brave stand against Negan during his reign as the leader of the Saviours, she has shown herself to be a resilient warrior.
But after being freed by Maggie, she was quickly overwhelmed which may leave some of her biggest fans to question her abilities. While Gabriel tries to reason with her and come up with a sound strategy to rescue their friends, she quickly gets attacked by a couple of hostile zombies, which leads her to dislocate her arm which requires Gabriel to force it back into place.
Despite her experience fighting against many threats over the years, this comes off as an excuse to build tension and doesn't feel like a natural way for Rosita to react to the dangers surrounding her or be able to injure herself so quickly. Considering that only a few episodes ago she was a soldier of the Commonwealth Army and managed to sneak around the advanced community with her survival skills, she should have been able to dispatch these undead figures and walk away without harm with no problem at all.