The Walking Dead Season 11 Review: 7 Ups & 3 Downs From "Promises Broken"
1. UP: The Commonwealth Arc Is FINALLY Moving

For a few episodes now, the Commonwealth arc has really been playing things safe, building up the mystery of the community and teasing their eventual confrontation with the rest of the survivors.
With this latest episode, though, The Walking Dead has finally shed some real light on the new group, by properly introducing Lance Hornsby, Sebastian Milton, and by moving us closer and closer to the introduction of its elusive leader, Pamela.
Through Ezekiel, the episode reveals the Commonwealth has medicine and treatments to hinder his cancer; through Yumiko, it shows the community has a strict class system dictated by everyone's jobs; and through Eugene, it highlights just how firm its laws are.
Given the cliffhanger ending, it looks as though the Commonwealth might finally be making itself known to the rest of the survivors, meaning we're merely a step away from entering the final era of The Walking Dead.