The Walking Dead Season 5: 8 Things That Will Happen Next

7. New Characters!

Not content with adding Noah to the roster alongside all those other stragglers picked up at the end of the fourth season and the beginning of this one, the latter half of the current run is gonna add a whole bunch more cast members to the regular roster. Well, two at the very least. Two whose casting was confirmed months ago, but whose characters are only becoming clear now. In January AMC cast veteran TV actor Ross Marquand in an unspecified role; it's since been revealed that he'll be playing Aaron, a key character from a certain storyline in the comics who will be the first openly gay character on the programme. Which is pretty neat! They've yet to announce what part American Horror Story's Alexandra Breckenridge will be playing in the series, and whilst the character hasn't been cast yet (or at least, that info's not been made publicly available), the way the story's going implies that the comic book's main villain, Negan, is gonna show up too.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at