The Walking Dead Season 5: 8 Things That Will Happen Next

6. No Time For Mourning

AMC managed to p*ss off a fair amount of its fan base by totally spoiling The Walking Dead's mid-season finale over social media. Once than genie was out of the bottle, though, there was no getting it back in: the end of the fifth season's first half involved the death of long time character Beth, her body carried poignantly to her final resting place by Daryl. If you think there's gonna be a whole lot of time to grieve for the demise of one of the show's long-running cast members, however, you've got another thing coming. Whilst that two minute preview clip featured a hearty amount of sobbing from Maggie and a funeral, that's about the most of it. Apparently, it's just going to be onwards and upwards. That spoilerific €œRIP BETH€ image is as close to closure as fans are likely to get from the show, with the group having to quickly move on before they befall the next threat to their safety. Speaking of which...

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at