The Walking Dead Season 5 Finale: 10 Things That Should Happen

6. Deanna Will Die

In the community with a strict hierarchy, there can only be one leader. And as cracks burst open between Rick and Deanna, it's plainly obvious that one will not settle for a role further down the pecking order than the other. Deanna would not break away from the civilisation she raised, nor are fans likely to see anything on the seismic scale of Rick dying anytime soon. The 'safe haven destroyed' storyline has already been played out at the prison, Herschel's farm, and in other locations, and with the apparent emergence of a new deadly force, the odds are stacked against Deanna from escaping the crossfire. Rick is not in any position to start accepting people into the group who openly disagree with him, so could the still-mourning Deanna be about to meet the same fate as her son?

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