The Walking Dead Season 6: 15 WTF Moments From 'Always Accountable'

1. Help!

In Daryl€™s new ride, we find our The Walking Dead veterans heading back to Alexandria when they finally make radio contact with€ someone. All we hear on the other end of the radio is €œHelp!€, but the big question is just who Daryl, Sasha and Abraham (who€™s still rocking his new outfit) were hearing cry out for assistance. Initial logic would suggest somebody at Alexandria, likely Rick, although could it really be that this was the voice of totally-not-dead Glenn? Daryl himself, Norman Reedus, has claimed that the voice in question is not Glenn, but would he really give away such a big twist anyway? We'll have to wait and see. Agree with these WTF moments or think that some were missed out? Head to the comments section to let us know.
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