The Walking Dead Season 6: 7 Things You Need To Know About Negan
6. The Saviours

As well as Lucille, where Negan goes the Saviours are sure to follow. A group of survivors, they're ruled by Negan mostly due to being absolutely terrified of him.
They form at the Hilltop Colony (another group who will probably be introduced in season 6), but have extremely villainous intentions, and are happy to kill others in order to survive. A one point they number at around 70 members, making them one of the largest groups of survivors around.
The most notable of their members is Dwight, who often has an uneasy relationship with Negan. He's a bit like Daryl in that he's deadly with a crossbow, although not quite so heroic, and the Saviours in general are a group of rather survivors well-trained when it comes to combat, who'll go to extreme lengths to get their way.