The Walking Dead Season 6: 7 Things You Need To Know About Negan
5. Foul-Mouthed And Funny

If you look at any Negan panel, aside from holding Lucille you'll probably notice that he's using more than a few choice words. It's actually pretty difficult to find a scene from the comics where he is talking but isn't swearing. As characters go, he's probably in the top one for curse words. Think of that scene from The Wire (a show TWD loves to use actors from) season 1, where for around 3-4 minutes it's nothing but the F-word. That's Negan all the time.
It'll be interesting to see just how that translates to screen. It's a big part of his character, and while AMC don't exactly hold back, they also may want to refrain somewhat on the colourful language, but need to do so in a way that doesn't detract from him.
The other thing to note when it comes to Negan and his use of words is that he's really funny, in a sick, twisted and yet also juvenile sort of way. He may be a murderous psychopath, but he's one with a sense of humour as well. I'd put some quotes here, but there'd probably be more asterisks than letters.