The Walking Dead Season 6: 7 Things You Need To Know About Negan

1. Who Could Play Him

Negan Walking Dead

Of course, while the character is great on paper, it's going to need a truly excellent actor to bring him to life. He has to be physically imposing, able to be funny and yet a violent psychopath at the same time, an intimidating and commanding figure. Not an easy task. 

There's one name that jumps to mind immediately, because it's been discussed so frequently, and that's Jon Hamm. Creator Robert Kirkman has said previously that Hamm would be his first choice, and the Emmy winner (nice to finally be able to type that) has in turn said it would be fun. He's got the appearance down, and he's an incredibly talented actor who could no doubt turn his hand to any role (and his comedic chops are rather underrated). Hamm would be an absolute dream bit of casting, but coming off the back of Mad Men, would he take on a role where he isn't the star of the show? 

Another popular choice is Henry Rollins, on whom Negan is at least partially based. He's a bit older than the character description, but certainly fits the bill appearance wise. Other popular names thrown out there include Ray Stevenson (Rome), Patrick Warburton (Rules of Engagement), and Kevin Durand (The Strain). 

It's easy to see why such actors are linked, as they look like they'd be able to convincingly bring Negan to the screen, although embodying the character's persona is another matter. It's a lot of speculation and wishful thinking at the moment, and it may be that they cast more of an unknown in the role to lessen the pressure on it and keep fans guessing. 

But really, AMC, cast Jon Hamm. Please. 


NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.