The Walking Dead Season 7 Finale: 10 Things That Should Happen

7. Eugene And Dwight Prove Their True Loyalties

The Walking Dead Eugene
Gene Page/AMC

On one side of the fence, you have Eugene; previously allied with Rick, he's gone over to the Saviours and became Negan because he wants to save his own skin.

On the other, you have Dwight; one of Negan's main henchmen, he's gave himself over to Rick because he wants to see Negan dead.

The arcs somewhat parallel each other, and one of the things they have in common is that we don't know for certain the true intentions of either man. Has Eugene truly gone over to the Dark Side? Has Dwight became a good guy?

Taken at face value, the answer to both is yes, and there's plenty of supporting evidence (not least the comics in Dwight's case.). But there's always the chance Eugene is playing Negan - it'd be a very brave move, which would be an interesting one for the character - or that Dwight is a triple-agent, which is less interesting (it goes against a lot of the setup for the character) but will serve as a surprise for everyone expecting him to have genuinely crossed over.

With the war about to explode, showing us (if not all the characters involved) their true loyalties would be a good move for the finale to make.


NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.