The Walking Dead Season 8: 10 Most Revealing Things The Cast Have Said

8. 'The First Four Or Five Episodes Are Like Mini Action Films'

The Walking Dead Season 8 Quotes

What Was Said?

"The first four or five episodes are kind of like little mini action films. They’re hour long action films, each one of them, and that’s just exciting for me being an action nerd because Die Hard is my favourite action movie of all time and there are little moments like that throughout."

Who Said It?

Ross Marquand (Aaron) - Entertainment Weekly

What Does This Mean?

It appears as though we are going to be jumping straight into the action. And not just mediocre action - Die Hard levels of action, according to Marquand.

The usual pattern of a Walking Dead season would suggest that showrunners might hold the biggest and baddest explosions and gunfights back until closer to the mid-season finale, building to a dramatic crescendo as it has done with a large amount of success in the past.

However, Marquand indicated that we are going to be on the edge of our seat from the word go, and that his Alexandrian original is going to play a significant part in the combat.


Sports Journalism graduate. Writer on football, WWE, film and TV. The greatest TV show ever is The West Wing, and the greatest footballer ever is Harry Kane. One of those claims carries greater weight than the other. Disagree? Discuss with me on Twitter @JoeFish08