The Walking Dead Season 8 Spoilers: 10 Things You Need To Know About All Out War

8. Michonne = Andrea (And Carol = Michonne?)

The Walking Dead Rick Andrea
Image Comics

One of the most important people in Rick's life at the time of All Out War - and a key figure in the battle too - is one long dead on TV, Andrea. Of course, her comics counterpart has fared far better (and more popularly) than the live-action version, so it's not much of a surprise she features a lot throughout the story.

Her and Rick are involved in a romantic relationship, and she gradually becomes more like a mother figure to Carl as well. When the war kicks off she's too injured to join the fight, however, so stays behind at Alexandria with Carl to protect the Safe-Zone from Negan's eventual retaliation. Her skills as a sniper come into play during this, as she helps fight against the Saviours, and is also a pillar of strength for Rick.

On TV, Andrea was one of the series' least popular characters, and died way back in Season 3. Nowadays, Rick is involved romantically with Michonne, which means it's quite easy to see her filling in for Andrea's role here. Her and Rick became increasingly close during Season 7, she already has a strong bond with Carl, and in terms of more direct plot beats, she was severely beaten in the finale, which means she's probably too injured to join the fight at the outset of Season 8.

This throws up another wrinkle though. At this time in the comics, Michonne and Ezekiel begin a fledgling romantic (or at least physical) relationship, and are often working together throughout the storyline. Since that won't be happening, it means either that story element will be cut, or someone else will have to fill it. The only obvious contender right now would be Carol, as we've already seen what appears to be a flirtatious relationship between the pair (in the comics, Carol is long dead by this point too). Carol should have a big part to play in the battle, so taking on those aspects of Michonne's role - at least in terms of leading groups of survivors and being key in the fight, if not the sex with Ezekiel bit, does make sense.

The other character parallel it's worth pointing it is between Enid and Sophia (who, again, died ages ago on the show). While Sophia doesn't have a major role to play in things, we have seen Enid taking on that story in her relationship with Maggie and going to live at Hilltop. Carl and Sophia do have some interactions during the war, though nothing too major, but it's likely Enid and Carl's relationship will be much more pronounced.


NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.