The Walking Dead Season 8 Spoilers: 10 Things You Need To Know About All Out War

6. Both Sides Get Wins

The Walking Dead All Out War
Image Comics

As you can probably guess from the fact that it lasts for twelve issues, All Out War is a long conflict, and it's not an easy one for either side. Rick's group have the advantage of striking the first blow, and do succeed in taking out some of the outposts and putting the Saviours on the backfoot. Negan and the Saviours - thanks to their numbers and their cunning ruthlessness - do come back into it.

So if Rick scores an early win, then Negan definitely gets a few his own. One of the most notable ones comes when he delivers Holly back to Alexandria, with a bag over her head concealing the fact she is now a zombie - when it's removed, she proceeds to bite Denise. Of course, this has already happened with Sasha, and Denise has been dead a good while now, so the show will need to completely re-write this bit (it also heavily features Heath, who is Denise's boyfriend, yet completely MIA on the show (though will probably come back into it) and never dated Denise). This does, however, lead to Negan and co using grenades against Alexandria, which leads to a fairly big injury for Rick.

Later battles would of course follow, with one of the other major ones being at the Hilltop, which involves Rick being shot with a crossbow by Dwight, and helps set the table for the end of the war. Neither of these are really clear victories for either side though, with injuries and losses for both, which is the back-and-forth nature of the war.

With Season 8 set to ramp up the pace then we should get a fair few battles, of differing scales, throughout the course of All Out War (though it depends on how long it lasts).


NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.