The Walking Dead Season 9: 6 Ups & 1 Down From 'Stradivarius'


1. The Continued Conflict Between Michonne & The Newcomers

The Walking Dead Season 9 Michonne Magna

Michonne's refusal to allow Magna, Luke, Connie, Kelly and Yumiko to remain in Alexandria last week was an exhausting - and repetitive - introduction for the show's newcomers. However, the writers managed to iron this animosity out rather quickly, which deserves to be applauded considering how long conflicts such as this one used to drag on for in previous seasons.

Unfortunately, it was too good to be true, as the tension between Magna and Michonne raises its ugly head once more when they're on the road together. Eventually, the point of the pair's conflict becomes apparent when Luke delivers a Gimple-esque monologue about how important it is to carry music and art with them if they're to outlast the walkers, and thus Michonne softens. She even allows the newbies their weapons when a herd of walkers approaches them.

Perhaps this conflict - and the reasoning for it - would've made more sense had the show not explored the exact same territory in the previous episode.

What did you make of Stradivarius? Tell us in the comment section below.


Stephen Patterson is an experienced writer and reviewer. He's also a TV addict.