The Walking Dead Season 9 Finale: 4 Ups & 2 Downs From ‘The Storm’

1. Other Than The Weather Conditions, Nothing Much Happens

The Walking Dead The Storm Season 9

After such a jaw-dropping penultimate episode last week, it's safe to say that our anticipation was through the roof for the season finale. While The Storm is by no means disappointing, it's not exactly what we were expecting. With Alpha having murdered several of the groups' key players, you'd think our mainstays would've been out for blood and thus have been preparing to make a retaliation attempt against The Whisperers.

Instead, the group's only goal is to make it out of the storm alive. It's a neat idea to use the storm - a scenario in which our protagonists cannot see in front of them - to finally make our heroes see. Michonne realises that splitting up is not the way forward, and that from now on, they need to work as a team. Carol comes to the realisation that Lydia isn't the problem here, and the people of Alexandria finally see that Negan no longer means them any harm.

It's an episode riddled with metaphors, and it was definitely worth the wait - even if just for the snowy atmosphere. Did it live up to expectations? Probably not, but it's still a darn sight more entertaining than anything the seventh and eighth seasons were able to produce, and that's good enough for now.

What did you make of The Storm? Tell us in the comment section below.


Stephen Patterson is an experienced writer and reviewer. He's also a TV addict.