The Walking Dead Season 9 Premiere: 6 Ups & 3 Downs From 'A New Beginning'

3. The Foreshadowing

The Walking Dead Season 9

A New Beginning has so much to offer in the way of a new era for The Walking Dead, which only makes the thought of losing Rick Grimes all the more traumatic.

While this is still a long way off, the show is wasting little time in foreshadowing what's to come. And it does this in a number of ways. Firstly, Rick is truly happy for the first time in years. Despite losing his beloved son Carl, he's managed to come to grips with everything he's endured, and has even managed to move past his grief during the last 18 months. Gone is the shell of a man from Season 8, and in his place is a joyous and optimistic leader. What's more, Rick is seen by the settlement-dwellers as something of an inspiration. Right now, he's got a lot to lose.

At one stage, Michonne even mentions how she and Rick have lost enough, after Rick comments on how lucky he feels to have her in his life. The conversation is rife with subtext and, as viewers knowing what we know about Rick's upcoming demise, it's a rather poignant moment.


Stephen Patterson is an experienced writer and reviewer. He's also a TV addict.