The Walking Dead Season 9 Premiere: 6 Ups & 3 Downs From 'A New Beginning'

4. Carol Finally Becomes A Leader

Carol The Walking Dead Season 9

Carol Peletier is without a doubt one of the best examples of character development in the history of television. In spite of this, the character has largely been neglected in the latest seasons, and when she was utilised, sloppy writing led to her previous storylines being repeated over and over, which only made matters worse.

However, Carol has finally been given an opportunity to shine in Season 9, and what's more, she will finally be able to do what she was put on this earth (well, put in this show, anyway) to do: lead. Taking over at the Sanctuary is the perfect narrative decision for the character, as Carol has rarely had the opportunity to command and lead before, despite being the perfect woman for the job.

She's not afraid of making tough decisions, and she's equally unafraid of facing danger head-on. The short-haired warrior is in desperate need of a good storyline, and this could well be it. The Sanctuary's in a state of disrepute right now, but with Carol at the helm it'll undoubtedly thrive. She'll take no sh*t, that's for sure.


Stephen Patterson is an experienced writer and reviewer. He's also a TV addict.