The Walking Dead Season Finale: 10 Ways It Massively Disappointed

7. Not Enough Walkers

It's true that The Walking Dead is not really a show about zombies, but more so a show about characters and the struggles they face in a world where society has collapsed. It just so happens that the zombies caused that collapse. You know what that actually means? It's a show about zombies. The early days of the show were often criticized for the lack of walkers, and it felt like in response to that we were thrown an abundance of them being dispatched in the most gruesome manners possible. But with the exception of the swarm attack on Randy McRandom in the clearing, we really didn't have any this episode whatsoever. Maybe the show shouldn't always focus on the walkers, because that would get old and boring really fast. But they should always be present to illustrate the constant threat the group is facing. Leisurely strolls through the woods with no shambling corpses nipping at your heels create too relaxed an atmosphere.

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.