The West Wing: 10 Greatest Ever Moments

1. "You Feckless Thug" - Two Cathedrals

The West Wing Feckless Thug

Where to begin with the sheer brilliance that is the season 2 finale, Two Cathedrals?! The whole episode is the show at its very best as the Bartlet administration deals with the tragic loss of Mrs Landingham, as well as the aftermath of the President’s MS being revealed to the nation and relentless questions over whether he will seek re-election.

The episode features numerous stand-out moments that more than warrant their own place on this list: the President being visited one final time by Mrs Landingham; the President striding to the press conference to the sounds of Brothers in Arms; and the superb moment where he receives the question over re-election and proceeds to thrust his hands into his pockets, let slip a wry smile, and look off into the distance.

The crowning glory of the episode though comes in the truly iconic scene set in the cavernous National Cathedral after Mrs Landingham’s funeral. Full of anger at the senseless loss of his beloved secretary and weary over the issue of re-election, the President does what I'm sure anyone of us would do in that position and decides to deliver a scathing rebuke of God.

It’s an unforgettable moment as Jed bristles with rage and berates the lord in English and Latin, calling him a “feckless thug” before stamping out a cigarette on the cathedral floor in disgust. This sequence is already incredibly powerful in itself, but it’s heightened further by the knowledge of how passionately religious the President is and therefore just how angry he must really be. It's a scene filled with drama and emotion, and it can't help but whip you up and draw you in to the ongoing dilemma that Jed is facing. As he storms out of the cathedral, it remains temporarily unclear as to whether he will put himself through the pains of running again.

It really takes a special sort of show to pull off having one of its characters rant at a deity in Latin. It's truly The West Wing at its absolute finest.

Agree with this list? What are your favourite West Wing moments? Let us know down in the comments.


A freelance TV and Film writer based in Manchester.