The X-Files: 10 Overlooked Episodes That Are Secretly Classics

7. The List - Season 3, Episode 5

Grotesque X-Files

The X-Files was often noted - and sometimes even criticised - throughout its lifetime for pushing the envelope on what was acceptable to broadcast on television. Several of its episodes featured overly dark content, as well as heapings of blood and gore that other shows would often steer clear of. But even by the show's usual standards, season three's 'The List' is an especially dark and mean-spirited episode that is well worth a revisit.

Written and directed by series creator Chris Carter, this episode sees Mulder and Scully investigating a string of deaths inside a Florida prison, with each victim being on the hit-list of Napoleon "Neech" Manley - a recently executed inmate who swore revenge on those who tormented him during his incarceration.

Whilst the plot is fairly par-for-the-course, it's this episode's distinct visual style and grim tone that really stands out. There's a real sense of claustrophobia and lingering violence that permeates throughout, and a general feeling that no matter what they do, Mulder and Scully are powerless to stop these killings.

It can be a hard episode to stomach in places, but one that's well worth your attention.

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The X-Files
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UK based screenwriter, actor and one-half of the always-irreverent Kino Inferno podcast. Purveyor of cult cinema, survival horror games and low-rent slasher films.