The X-Files: 10 Overlooked Episodes That Are Secretly Classics

4. D.P.O. - Season 3, Episode 3

Grotesque X-Files

Often referred to as 'The One With Jack Black In It', this electrifying episode has so much more to offer outside of its most recognisable guest star.

This episode tells the story of Darin Peter Oswald, an emotionally charged teenager that is able to control electrical appliances and summon lightning at will - a power that was brought about by him surviving a lightning strike that miraculously changed his genetic makeup.

The real highlight of this episode is Giovanni Ribisi's masterful performance as Darin, who imbues the slow-minded and rage-filled teenager with a real sense of humanity, which ultimately makes his more sociopathic traits that little bit more frightening. It's clear from the get-go that Darin is incredibly dangerous and nobody around him is safe, which keeps the tension high throughout.

'D.P.O' is also remarkable for its effects and set-piece murders, which show off the increased budget that Fox had generously given them following the show's massive success in the ratings. The episode also stands as a mini time-capsule for a bygone era, with a big emphasis on suburban arcades and nineties alt-rock that are not only things integral to Darin as a character but go a long way to contextualising his world.

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The X-Files
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UK based screenwriter, actor and one-half of the always-irreverent Kino Inferno podcast. Purveyor of cult cinema, survival horror games and low-rent slasher films.