The X-Files: 10 Overlooked Episodes That Are Secretly Classics

3. Roadrunners - Season 8, Episode 4

Grotesque X-Files

Love it or hate it, season eight was a bold departure for the show that deserves credit for trying out new ideas and thrusting the show into darker and more disturbing territory. Case and point, 'Roadrunners' is one of the show's most chilling episodes that is seldom heard about outside of die-hard fans of the show.

Opening with the ritualistic stoning of a disabled man in the Utah desert, this unnerving episode sees Scully go it alone to investigate the crime. Arriving in a desolate town she immediately feels isolated and out-of-place, with the townsfolk's underlying prejudice towards outsiders making her feel less than welcome. She's forced to rely on her new partner Doggett to come to her aid but finds that she may be in a lot more danger than she first thought.

With plenty of gore, intense bouts of paranoia, and disgusting worm creatures, this late-era episode was a nice reminder to fans why they loved the show in the first place. The overly grim and icky nature of its plot may be a tad offputting to some, but 'Roadrunners' is a great slice of televisual horror that never fails in its goal to both horrify and entertain its audience.

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The X-Files
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UK based screenwriter, actor and one-half of the always-irreverent Kino Inferno podcast. Purveyor of cult cinema, survival horror games and low-rent slasher films.