The X-Files Revival: 10 Things We Learned From The Season Finale

5. Doggett Is Totally MIA

Where goes Reyes, so goes John Doggett, or so we thought. For all the grief Robert Patrick took for filling in for an increasingly absent David Duchovny in the eighth and ninth seasons of The X-Files, his performance as Agent Doggett was fantastic, and bolstered a flagging show that had hit creative rock bottom during the seventh season, when the show opted to produce more and more quirky comedy outings and fewer examinations of the paranormal. When the show went off the air, it was sort of assumed that Doggett and Reyes would stick together. Not so, apparently. While Reyes was playing nursemaid to a badly burned Smoking Man, Doggett was... well we just don't know. While it was known early on that Robert Patrick would not be in the new season, you would have expected at least a mention of his character, especially with Reyes appearing. No such luck. Though it does leave the door open for him to turn up down the line. Frankly, he has earned it, though it doesn't seem like Patrick himself is all that interested.
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Primarily covering the sport of MMA from Ontario, Canada, Jay Anderson has been writing for various publications covering sports, technology, and pop culture since 2001. Jay holds an Honours Bachelor of Arts degree in English from the University of Guelph, and a Certificate in Leadership Skills from Humber College.