The X-Files: 15 Guest Stars Who Made It Big

4. Bryan Cranston (Season 6, Episode 2: Drive)

On The X-Files: Originally airing on November 15, 1998, Drive sees Mulder and Scully in an off-the-books investigation into a high-speed chase that concluded with the explosion of the passenger's head. The case takes a personal turn when Mulder is kidnapped by the only witness. Bryan Cranston plays Patrick Crump, a man whose excruciating ear pressure can only be relieved by speeding westward. Most Memorable Moment: In an ironic twist, Crump goes on a rant about the pervasion of conspiracy within the government to an exasperated Mulder. How Bryan Cranston Made It Big: Cranston would move on to the comedy side of Fox programming in 2000 when he won the part of Hal on Malcolm In The Middle that would occupy him for seven seasons. In 2008, Cranston reaped the rewards of Drive when former X-Files writer Vince Gilligan used Cranston's performance as Crump to cast him as Walter White on AMC's Breaking Bad, a role for which Cranston won the Emmy for Outstanding Lead Actor for four of his five years on the show.

Fiction buff and writer. If it's on Netflix, it's probably in my queue. I've bought DVDs for the special features and usually claim that the book is better than the movie or show (and can provide examples). I've never met a TV show that I won't marathon. Follow on Twitter @lah9891 .