Titans Season 2: 4 Ups & 2 Downs From 'Fallen'

1. So Many Titans Left Out... Again

Titans Season 2
DC Universe

With one recurring issue, of course, comes another.

The show's reliance on these standalone episodes centred on the disjointed Titans may give some of the characters some well-deserved spotlight, but it also results in the complete absence of others. Sure, 'Fallen' swapped out the Hank and Dawn tension and Kory's sibling rivalry and replaced them with the Rachel and Donna narrative, but the rest of the episode focused on narratives that already got the attention last week.

Thus, Jason Todd and Rose Wilson remain off our screens yet again, while the Kory and Blackfire saga is overlooked once more.

The show has a great cast, but it would be nice if they could manage to come up with more unique ways of weaving each character/actor in instead of the constant separation - and if the separation's necessary, it would be nice if every character got their own chance to shine.

Now, for the positives...

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.