Titans Season 2: 4 Ups & 2 Downs From 'Fallen'


4. The Return Of Rachel's Darkness

Titans Season 2 Rachel Roth Raven
DC Universe

While Rachel's inner darkness dominated Season 1 to such an extent that we all got more than our fair share of it - and were happy to veer away from that for a while - Season 2 went in the cimplete opposite direction as, aside from a few teases here and there, Rachel hasn't really felt relevant at all this time around. 'Fallen' changed that, however, as one of the bonuses of her decision to leave the Titans behind meant that she finally got some focus.

Meeting a new friend at a soup kitchen, she would end up getting involved in her life and ultimately meet some more new friends. While her inner darkness would unleash itself (and settle itself into a stone gargoyle so that it could kill the man who threatened to hurt her new friend), the priority of this narrative was allowing us to see how Rachel had responded to some of the recent events in her life - and that's okay.

It's been too long since the focus was on Rachel, and Teagan Croft's enticing performance was the perfect reminder of that. As for her darkness, well, it's going to be intriguing to see where it takes her and the show next. Who knew it had such a penchant for gargoyles?

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.