Titans Season 2: 4 Ups & 2 Downs From 'Fallen'

3. Further Exploration Of Gar's Backstory

Titans Season 2
DC Universe

One of the best things about 'Fallen's insistence on picking up the majority of last week's storylines was the fact that it carried on the Gar Logan and Conner Kent saga - meaning that the former got some well-deserved spotlight.

Gar's attempts to protect Conner from Cadmus saw him turn into the tiger only to be taken prisoner by the shady organization - with Mercy Graves particularly interested in finding a way of getting through to him. Though they're treating him relatively well for the time being (you know, aside from the inhibitor collar), it's clear that she's trying to manipulate him into something - and clearly that something has to do with figuring out all that he's truly capable of.

This season started with him breaking the norm and transforming into a snake; will it end with him being able to evolve into a lot more? Mercy's reference to Niles Caulder's initial attempt to cure Gar certainly suggests that a more detailed look into Beast Boy's capabilities is on the horizon - and that's, no doubt, a great thing.

Gar was one of the show's four original Titans (alongside Dick, Rachel and Kory) and yet he's never had the same level of attention or development as any of them. With Cadmus' reintroduction, and the possibility of them attempting to make him 'more', we could be seeing a lot more character exploration going forward - something that is undoubtedly long overdue.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.