Titans Season 2: 4 Ups & 2 Downs From 'Faux Hawk'

2. Something To Sink His Teeth Into

Titans Season 2
DC Universe

One of this season's more disturbing arcs has been, without question, Cadmus' experiments on our beloved Garfield Logan. The kind-hearted, life-loving Titan accidentally found himself in their crosshairs when he attempted to save Conner from them - a move which brought them directly to Titans Tower - and has since been programmed to transform into the Tiger to kill people on demand.

Admittedly, it was rather shocking to see him kill people in his local coffee shop because, well, there's a strong chance that he could have been recognised - and the fact that he had been unleashed on so many harmless people is something that is already beginning to weigh on him a great deal.

Since Titans began, the show has rotated between three of the core four, allowing all of us to see how emotionally troubled Dick, Rachel and Kory are. In contrast to that, Gar's optimistic approach meant that he was often overlooked when it came to the heavy stuff. This, however, will change all of that as it's unlikely that he'll be able to get over what he's been forced to do after just one episode.

By the looks of things, there is some juicy material waiting for Ryan Potter and, quite frankly, it's long overdue.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.