Titans Season 2: 5 Ups & 2 Downs From 'Bruce Wayne'

3. Jason's Character Arc

Titans Jason
Warner Bros

One thing the writers were very specific in doing with this episode was using recent events to spotlight the emotional trauma going on inside Jason's head. And that is something they pulled off to perfection.

As the young man stared out the window, repeating his near-death experience over and over in his head, it became clear that all his typically arrogant bravado was merely a front - something that really came to light when everyone accused him of toying with them.

Jason Todd is the most infuriating character on the show, but he's been written that way intentionally - making him one of the most comic-accurate of them all. But, just like in the comics, there are real layers of personality underneath what we see on the surface - layers that feel everything just like everyone else does, layers that just want to be accepted and layers that long to overcome the self-proclaimed poison within.

We saw a very different side to Jason this week, but one that highlights just how rich of a character he truly is. The writers have only scratched the surface with him, and they're fully aware of that as they are slowly turning him into the show's most compelling character.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.