Titans Season 2: 5 Ups & 2 Downs From 'Rose'

4. Rose Wilson's Introduction

Titans Season 2 Ravager
DC Universe

You would think that focusing the honorary season premiere on a new character would have been a big mistake - especially since Titans' first season was notorious for giving us too many standalone stranger-driven episodes too soon - but 'Rose' was the perfect example of how to do it right.

Having Rose Wilson (a.k.a. Ravager) show up in the Titans' new playground of San Francisco ensured that she was immediately at the centre of their attention - which allowed her to be instantly drawn into the season's primary storyline. While that undoubtedly benefited the episode, especially because it was already splitting its time between multiple narratives, it also worked in the character's favour as it allowed viewers to see how she interacted with others.

Considering the fact that we were all still getting used to the intriguing new dynamic between Dick, Rachel, Gar and Jason, Rose's introduction certainly spiced things up, as it obliterated a status quo that had barely been in place.

On top of that, Chelsea Zhang brought a unique sense of mystery to the role, portraying her as an illusive but endearing character. Oh yeah, she's also a badass.

A strong start for an intriguing character, let's hope Rose continues to grow going forward.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.