Titans Season 2: 5 Ups & 2 Downs From 'Rose'

3. Life After Hawk And Dove

titans show

One of the episode's primary narratives revolved around Hank Hall and Dawn Granger, as the pair had finally done what they said they were going to do and retired from the superhero life to a quiet farm where they could live in peace. And after all these characters had been through in Season 1, it's exactly what they deserved.

Despite the fact that they were only at the centre of two previous episodes, it was hard not to grow fond of this pair - which, in itself, highlights how strong the writing was in 'Hank and Dawn' - and that made their peaceful moments all the more rewarding for us, as viewers, because it so very nice - and 'nice' is what these two needed.

However, the fact that Dawn wasn't able to give up being Dove made for some interesting conflict between the pair, and one can only assume that it will pave the way for her reintroduction into the Titans. With that in mind, it's going to be interesting to see if heroism once again awaits Hank - whose character arc also really benefited from everything in this episode.

The writing has always been at its best when it's focused on these two characters, but it was refreshing to see them happy for a change - here's hoping the writers can balance their good and their bad effectively this season.

So far, so good for Hawk and Dove.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.