Titans Season 2: 5 Ups & 3 Downs From 'Atonement'


3. Separation Anxiety

titans show

After spending all season attempting to bring the Titans back together, they have now gone their separate ways... again. Yep, Dick's revelation to the youngsters left them feeling betrayed, but it was his confession to his older allies (in regards to the exact circumstances surrounding Jericho's death) that sparked an exodus of sorts, as Hank, Dawn and Donna all quickly told him they were through with him - a movement that resulted in Rose, Jason and Rachel also leaving.

Oh yeah, and right as this was happening, Kory got a text from old Tamaran flame Faddei who just so happened to break out of her ship without going into the specifics of how (other than the fact that he was attacked by Blackfire's goons). So naturally, she had to leave at that very moment.

Titans relies on the separation trope far too much. The first season was essentially all about bringing the old Titans and the new Titans together - something that didn't happen until the beginning of Season 2 and only lasted for a single episode. The first half of the season would then be spent bringing them back together once more so that they could spend one long drawn-out night making the same mistakes over and over again... only so that by the next morning, they could separate again. You see the problem here?

It's beginning to feel like we're going round in circles, and we don't need to see more standalone episodes about how one character is off to find themselves. In less than 26 episodes, the show has already exhausted that format, constantly defaulting to it whenever convenient. And now, with only four episodes left of the season, it did not need to revisit it.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.