Titans Season 2: 5 Ups & 3 Downs From 'Atonement'

2. Less Focus On Important Characters

Titans Season 2
DC Universe

With separation comes standalone character-driven episodes. Now, there is certainly a major bonus to said character-driven episodes (we'll get to that later), but on the flip side, they result in a distinct lack of important characters.

With so many characters going out on their own in 'Atonement', it meant that we only got to spend some time a few of the groups. Thus, while the show was giving its focus to Kory, Dick, Hank and Dawn, and Gar (with Conner) respectively, other characters like Rachel (who inexplicably abandoned Donna for no apparent reason after wanting to leave with her), Jason and Rose remained off-screen.

Rachel's case is the most troubling because, after being the linchpin of the show's debut season, she appears to becoming less relevant by the episode this season. Meanwhile, it would be nice to see what two loose-canons like Rose and Jason got up to when left to their own devices.

This has left the show at a bit of a crossroads: Does it just ignore these characters' attempts at freedom or will it give us a standalone episode devoted to their escapades? In all fairness, it should probably go down the latter route, but do we really need another episodic adventure with so little episodes remaining?

This approach is renowned for stalling the momentum of shows like The Walking Dead on numerous occasions, so it's hardly great to see Titans adopting it.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.