Titans Season 2: 7 Key Reveals From The Teaser

4. Deathstroke Looks Fantastic

Titans Season 2 Superboy
Warner Bros.

It has been known for a while now that Deathstroke would be coming to Titans in season two, so what's new then? Simple - now we know how awesome he looks.

The choice to give the character a glowing red eye is an odd one, due to how much it makes him look like the similarly named Deadshot (which just adds to the confusion), but, other than that, the costume looks incredibly promising - even if it is lacking some orange.

Fingers are crossed then that the villain's look here is as good, if not better, when in better lighting and in motion come September - and that Esai Morales gives a performance to match it as well.

Whatever the case, this version of the character will certainly have more to do than the Joe Manganiello incarnation...

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