Titans Season 2 Finale: 10 Major Questions We're Left With After 'Nightwing'

8. Has Rachel Finally Conquered Her Darkness?

Titans Season 2 finale
DC Universe

As unlikely as it sounds, something magical happened during that finale. Granted, that might not be the word you'd use to describe a big black cloud of ghostly liquid (unless your using it in the original sense of the word), but when you consider the fact that Rachel managed to control it for the first time, it seems appropriate.

Summoning her dark powers to help Dick internally communicate with Conner, she remained in control for the whole process and, in doing so, successfully played a part in helping the latter also take back control of his own body.

Fans of the show will know that Rachel has been haunted by her demonic origins for two seasons now, and whenever she taps into her powers, they nearly consume her as she gets lost in the darkness. It happened as recently as three episodes prior to the finale when some of that lingering darkness inhabited a stone gargoyle and tore an abusive father to shreds.

In spite of that, her recent performance at the funfair suggests that she is in control for now. The fact that she referenced her lack of control in the opening of the episode set her up to overcome that fear and, in the end, that's exactly what she did.

That lingering darkness will, no doubt, play a role next season, but it appears that Rachel has taken another step in the direction of the Raven we know and love.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.