Titans Season 2 Finale: 10 Major Questions We're Left With After 'Nightwing'

7. Can Rose And Jericho Successfully Co-Habit The Same Body?

Titans Season 2 finale
DC Universe

Jericho won all of our hearts throughout the season as a series of flashbacks allowed us to get to know what a warm and endearing person he truly was, and this ultimately made it that much harder to discover that he had been killed while sacrificing himself to protect his best friend, Dick, from his father.

However, the reveal that he wasn't actually dead and that he was, in fact, living inside of his father's body - something he managed to do by using his body-jumping ability just as he was stabbed by Slade's sword - came as a real shock. But even though he was, in a sense, alive, he had no control inside of his father's mind.

Now that Jericho was successfully able to transfer his consciousness into the body of his sister Rose, it appears that the pair will attempt to co-exist as Titans within the one body. But will they be able to do that forever? Surely Jericho deserves a life of his own, so we all have to wonder if the third season will find a way to give him one.

Chella Man did such a great job bringing the sweet and engaging character to life, so it would be a real shame if the young actor wasn't able to reprise the role in Season 3.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.